Last week, Pastor Juan closed the Crossing Over Series with a powerful message that reminded us our relationship with God, is about choosing. In Joshua 24:11–15 (NLT), Joshua was basically saying not to compromise between God and the world because you will lose. KEY THOUGHT: Small compromises in our faith will lead to huge defeat in our life. It’s simple: You are either looking for instant gratification or long term satisfaction. Instant gratification is ingrained in our culture. And though it may be good for our entertainment, it definitely isn’t good for our faith. God is not our quick fix, he is our long-term solution. This is why Joshua read them their history, so they were forced to meditate in all of what God had done since they left Egypt until they arrived in the promised land. When was the last time you simmered in God’s goodness? Stewing in God’s graces? Meditating on the goodness of God is a strong motivation for obedience. Temptation is quick and fun at first, but it brings death. Meditate on goodness and it will remind you to be obedient. Here’s how Joshua instructs the people of Israel, and us today to simmer in God’s goodness. 1. KEEP GOD’S WORD Joshua 23:6 (NLT) You can’t keep it, if you don’t read it. #yougottareadittokeepit Don’t just read it out of duty, but really place it in your heart. 2. CLING TO THE LORD Joshua 23:8 (NLT) Don’t be fooled by the quick fix… Don’t cling to things… They are temporal. Cling to Jesus because He is eternal. 3. LOVE THE LORD Joshua 23:11 (NLT) LOVE IS A COMMITMENT. Don't compromise with the enemy but make the Lord first in your life. It’s just not going to work any other way. RESULT: IT WILL BE A FAMILY MATTER This takes leadership. In a Christian family, serving the Lord should not be looked at as an event, but rather, as a lifestyle. Serving the Lord should not be something we do on our spare time, but something that is actually our priority. A family priority. Many people say about their kids, I’m not going to force religion on them… Well, the devil is not going to ask permission to mess up their lives. Us as parents should never make serving the Lord optional. They might hate you now for it, but they will love you later on. (that’s the instant vs. permanent mentality) We can't expect permanent blessings with our family with optional faith. Our kids are observing the level of our commitment to God, and they will copy it to a “T”. What we don’t teach, they will not learn. What we don’t live they will not catch and what we don’t lead, they will not follow. So bring the the whole family Sunday and join us for worship, word and fellowship as we start a new series, What Would Jesus Pray. 1 PM 639 N 25th St.
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