Having to go to the hospital can be a very scary experience for a lot of people. Especially if it is an emergency, you don’t always leave the house expecting to be at the hospital for long. We want to make these scary, anxious times a little easier for family members and loved ones waiting to hear news from doctors by making waiting room packages. You can help by donating the following items until July 28th.
Each pack should contain: - Snacks (Examples: Nuts, Chips, Fruit Snavk, Juice Boxes, bottles of water, gum & candy) -Games (Examples: Puzzel books, books, and small games) -Notebook & Pen (to take notes of doctors instructions) -Travel Hygiene items for overnight stays (Examples: Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, deodorant, and lip balm) Please bring completed carepack to any service by July 28th and we will donate these to Froedtert Hospital. For more info stop by the ILMC table or ask Virginia Garcia. About I Love My City I Love My City is an outreach ministry at UPC that is focused on being the hands and feet of Jesus in the community and surrounding areas to show the love of Jesus to those in need. ILMC has helped several hundred people throughout Milwaukee through different projects and we are excited to continue to serve the community together!
Dear church family,
Today marks the official day I begin as your new pastor at Urban Poiema Church. I want to let you know that my family and I are very excited to serve you and our community to be the light of Jesus Christ wherever we go. I remember the first day I came to worship with you on June 2016. I came in pain and distress trying to find a new church home for my family. I could not deny the confirmation of the Holy Spirit which was placed on my heart when I heard the message preached by our beloved Pastor, Juan Garay. The message was about not just being hearers of the word but doers (James 2:8). This was a powerful confirmation that brought me to tears as I sat at the back of the church, knowing that this was the place where my family would serve and worship the Lord. We participated in many events that made the presence of God known in the community. This brought me such joy to extend the love of God beyond the walls of the church! Urban Poiema Church is my home and the people have become like family. It is where God answered my prayers and gave me a deeper understanding of what it means to love God and love people. My vision is to continue to be missionaries into our community by serving through our outreaches; Hope Dealers and I Love My City Projects. I want to continue to engage outside the walls of our church but I know that we must first build ourselves up from within before we can be sent out. My vision is to equip you with God’s Holy Word that will bring healing and restoration into all our lives. God’s Word will bring wisdom and power through the Holy Spirit, as we submit our lives to Him, and as we understand the gifts He has deposited in each one of us to do His work in this world. I look forward to serving you and walking next to you in this amazing journey God has divinely put before us. My wife, Barbara, and our 3 children are also committed to this journey and I honor them for being an unbelievable support to me. I am blessed to be serving as your Pastor and know God has great things in store for UP Church. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at anytime! “But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” Matthew 20:25-26 With so much love and blessings, Pastor Temo |
December 2024
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