Our first Service last week was amazing! God moved in a big way and touched so many. We had a packed house full of people who where excited about God!
We started a new journey together and it began with our new location. A designated launching pad for God to carry out His mission. We are in a new mission field, and we are all missionaries to this mission field. Pastor Juan fittingly kicked off a new series about the mission of God. What is the mission of God? Or Missio Dei? It is being an agent of God’s mission into the world. We are not the church unless we are released to do the Mission of God. That mission was first carried out by Jesus who was sent by God. Now it is our prerogative to carry out the mission to bring God’s Glory through worship, to love other believers, to become like Christ, to serve others with our gifts, and to tell others about the message of Hope in Jesus Christ. Ask yourself, where am I to carry out the mission in my daily life? KEY THOUGHT: We are not to wait for a move of God, we are to be the move of God. Gather, grow, give and go! That’s not just for you, but rather a directive to do your mission. Gather the people God has placed in your heart, help them grow, give of yourself, and go do it all over again. Throw your lot: In other words. If you are going to bet on anything else in this life, bet on Jesus. This takes commitment! The 5 D’s of lack of commitment to the missio dei. 1. Distraction. (Making it about anything other than Jesus) 2. Disillusioned. (Finding fault on people or things) 3. Disobedience. (We begin to, slowly but surely, veer off the path) 4. Division. (We start separating ourselves and separating others) 5. Destruction. (we self-destruct and try to take others with us) THE IMPORTANCE OF COMMITMENT: Why is commitment so important? Because there’s no community without commitment. The church is a community of people, that is committed to each other and God, to carry out His Mission. We need to cultivate a community based on honesty, humility, courteousy, confidentiality, frequency, and sacrifice. Join a LifeGroup, be honest, humble and show others you can be trusted. And walk in God’s Love, serving others and showing sacrifice. We encourage you to commit to our mission. Commit to life groups… Commit to serving… commit to being part of our next growth track so you can be a leader. This is just the beginning, we are smoothing out hiccups, adding more chairs and are excited as God expands our tent. Join us this Sunday at 10:15am and bring a friend!
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